About Page


Hi, my name is Sarah and I am the creator of SGreviewsHQ.
I have created this blog for somewhere to put everything I love all in the one place, to say what I really think about the new products I have tested, and to add all the free samples I find along the way.
My reviews contain a mixture of:
  • Products I have purchased myself
  • Products sent to me for user review
  • Products that I have won
  • Samples I have purchased myself
  • Fee samples I have found online / offline
  • Products gifted to me
  • Web pages, Books, Services and heaps more!
I will always tell you if the product or service was purchased or free, and if I was asked to review or if I chose to review for my own reasons. All views and opinions I have written in this blog are my own, formed from my own experiences with the products or services I have tested. I will always give my honest opinion and any form of payment (cash, product, publicity or service) I receive for my work will never effect my opinion on the product or service being reviewed.


Unless stated otherwise:
Any free samples I blog about or link to, are samples I have found being offered from third parties, and by signing up to receive these samples you are giving your details to them, not me. I do not give out the samples so please do not ask me for them.


Facebook: SGreviewsHQ

Email: sgreviewshq@hotmail.com

This is a personal blog written, edited and run by Sarah Garratt.